var Mint = new Object(); = function() { var now = new Date(); var debug = false; // this is set by php var path = '/mint/mint' + ((debug)?'.debug':'') + '.php?key=6369334531484c72584a6956383252343434337743313172'; // Loop through the different plug-ins to assemble the query string for (var developer in this) { for (var plugin in this[developer]) { if (this[developer][plugin] && this[developer][plugin].onsave) { path += this[developer][plugin].onsave(); }; }; }; // Slap the current time on there to prevent caching on subsequent page views in a few browsers path += '&'+now.getTime(); // Redirect to the debug page if (debug) { window.location.href = path; return; }; if (document.write) { document.write(''); } else { // Record this visit; uses XMLHttpRequest to play nice with pages served as application/xhtml+xml // Causes a security issue when served from a sub or other domain var data = false; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if (@_jscript_version >= 5) try { data = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { data = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { data = false; } } @end @*/ if (!data && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') { data = new XMLHttpRequest(); } if (data) {"GET", path, true); data.send(null); } }; }; if (!Mint.SI) { Mint.SI = new Object(); } Mint.SI.Referrer = { onsave : function() { if (typeof Mint_SI_DocumentTitle=='undefined') { Mint_SI_DocumentTitle = document.title; } var referer = (decodeURI)?decodeURI(document.referrer):document.referrer; var resource = (decodeURI)?decodeURI(document.URL):document.URL; return '&referer=' + escape(referer) + '&resource=' + escape(resource) + '&resource_title=' + escape(Mint_SI_DocumentTitle); } };;